How would you describe what you do at Popsa?
My job mostly consists of quietly seething at my computer wondering why the thing I did isn't making it do the thing that I want it to do.
Software development is a very frustrating activity – I would describe it as 80% staring-baffled-at-the-monitor, and 10% eureka-it-finally-works. And 10% waiting for the code to run.
I utilise best-practice agile methodologies utilising machine learning and the blockchain to build a delightful user-first experience.
What does your typical working day look like?
Coffee from the local place, and trying to navigate how to socially acceptably wait for your coffee to be made by people who see you every day, but know absolutely nothing about.
If we had put a new app release out last night I'll gingerly be opening the error reports / customer service Slack channel to see if anything has exploded.
If all that's fine then I'll pick up whatever I was working on yesterday and try out the really good idea I had last night to get over what I was stuck on. (I will always be stuck on something).
My team might have sent me some code to review or I might have some for them to review, and then we can engage in the code-review tradition of finding things wrong with the other people's code - improving the code quality and reliability for all.
What's your favourite thing about Popsa?
We actually manufacture things. That exist! In real life, you can touch them and get paper cuts from them and everything!
What is your proudest moment at Popsa?
I suppose releasing the Android app last year to a pretty solid immediate success should be up there. But really, I will pick the almost toppling of Declan from his preeminent position as holder of fastest karting lap.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I direct theatre!
What’s your favourite food spot around the Popsa Soho office?
Wok to Walk. 130 million possible food combinations, and I always get the same thing. That should tell you things about me.
What is your favourite part of your job?
Doing impressive things but casually mentioning them as if they're nothing at all when I know it actually really was.
Something people don't know about you is…
I'm actually an extremely well-trained Yorkshire Terrier.