Behind the scenes: How Popsa created a TV ad during the pandemic

Our brand-new TV ad has landed! Read on to discover how we made it, why it was a uniquely family affair, and how Covid almost stopped everything…

The brief was simple: show people how easy it is to create a photobook with Popsa. From here, our in-house Creative team got to work storyboarding ideas. With a script and storyboard agreed upon, the next challenge was shooting it during a pandemic.

Mum receives Popsa photobook

With social distancing rules in full effect, the easiest way to show a whole family together in the same room was to find a real family! (Check out the link below to see them in action.) Then, with a small in-house team and our production agency – Toast – we filmed the whole ad in one whirlwind day of shooting.

At the shoot

Behind the scenes in the kitchen

We also used some snazzy CGI* to show customers all the clever things our app does when you create a photobook. We decided it’d be faster, and more viewer friendly, to use computer imagery rather than show a step-by-step walkthrough, and we’re pretty pleased with the result!

Scrolling through the Popsa app

To make sure the ad worked in multiple countries, we kept on-video speech to a minimum, relying on voice-over for the rest. (Recognise the person doing our English voice-over? Yep, it’s comedian and actor Marcus Brigstocke!)

The ad has aired in some pretty big timeslots so far, including during The Chase and Good Morning Britain. And because we chose not to make the ad Christmassy, you’ll be seeing it on your screens into the new year and beyond.

You can watch the ad on YouTube.

*Okay, it’s not Jurassic Park, but still...